How To Apply For SRD R350 Grant

How to apply for SRD r350 grant? How do i apply for Sassa SRD r350 grant? The emergence Sassa’s Social Relief of Distress(SRD) grant has been of tremendous help to the citizens of South Africa.

As the monthly grant has been able to take care of household since the pandemic came and as a result causing losses to employed citizens and stakeholders.

This article will help you on how to apply for the Sassa SRD r350 grant.

Must Read: How to appeal for SRD r350.

How Do I Apply For SRD R350 Grant?


Applying for Sassa comes in three forms;

  1. You can apply through the Sassa SRD website.

Step 1: Enter your mobile number and send the SMS to your phone.

Step 2: Follow the prompt when you receive the SMS on your phone.

2. You can also apply through the USSD code *134*7737#.

3. Apply by sending a Whatsapp message to 082 046 8553.

You can check you application status if you have already applied.